Friday, July 14, 2017

Nostalgic Appetency

Amid the ever intensely changing human experience, one easily finds longing. I find delight in the sincerity of "When we used to" and "I remember when" statements in conversation. Of the most frequent colloquial charms, one seems to be the most universal. A phrase that any living person can recognize is, "I miss that show!" It's a true statement of our present time that we can reference lifespan and era with television programming. It is with such, that I can say that entertainment media is an essential aspect to our culture. But of course, everything changes with time. It would be interesting to see how we entertain ourselves 1000 years from now, survival permitting.

I ponder on the delight in reminiscing on passing trends and fads. Why are humans so eager to abide by new standards, but long for dated ones? There is a conflict in thought between the desire to simultaneously stay relevant and old-fashioned. There are however other moving aspects that we simply just wish were still around. I find myself clinging on to items nearing demise. It is with similarity, that I experience a bittersweet emotion. Some things lose practicality, many just no longer fit to the rigid demands of the human paradigm. A question to ask is, is it worth it to lose it and forget? Are there some things worth preserving? What is the difference between a T.V. show and a crumpled photo of a friend from middle school?

It is something to think about.

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